About Me

Most people call me Flagg. I'm from a small town south of St. Louis and just graduated from the University of Missouri. Photojournalist by trade, I use this blog to visualize my life and surroundings. Aside from photo, my great loves are my family, food, the St. Louis Cardinals and Queen. I'm open to go anywhere in the world and experience everything.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Paris: the People

So for Paris, I decided to mix things up a bit. I have two entries, one is the typical visit entry - and this one is about Parisians. Or at least who I think are Parisians and figure importantly in their culture.
Align CenterParis is the city of love- there was love... and frequent public display of affection
I don't understand what's going on here, but that is the biggest jar of Nutella I have ever seenMany of the homeless men had puppies- there goes my change
Character portraits in MonmarteThis guy was doing the robot outside the Arch de TriumpheA couple sits outside of the Luxembourg Gardens eating bananasI should think this one is obvious
A Parisian's life is roughLive entertainment- all the time!
These bikers were outside the Bastille plaza. I noticed as I photographed them, people were extremely careful not to get in my way- who knew- polite Parisians?Venus de Milo
Several times on their Metro, people came aboard just to serenade us
Music was even abundant in the Louvre, most rooms had some type of musical instrument
This guy was in the fountains at the Palace of Versailles. The gardens stretched for miles and it was easy to see why the French lower classes started a Revolution

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