About Me

Most people call me Flagg. I'm from a small town south of St. Louis and just graduated from the University of Missouri. Photojournalist by trade, I use this blog to visualize my life and surroundings. Aside from photo, my great loves are my family, food, the St. Louis Cardinals and Queen. I'm open to go anywhere in the world and experience everything.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Like the PhotoJ majors, the magazine sequence kids are also knee-deep in capstone quicksand. Their task work in groups to create a complete magazine. My friend Claire Hanan's group is making a brunch magazine. I was excited when she asked me to photograph for the magazine and even more excited when we ate all of the food afterwards. Here's a sneak peak:
We start with lilac-infused champagne
Turkey bacon, asparagus and red onion pizza...
And a desert pizza of white chocolate, pistachios and cranberries
Random fact about me: I. Love. Bacon

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